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Elden Ring Talismans

Talismans in Elden Ring: A Comprehensive Guide

Legendary Talismans: The Most Powerful in the Lands Between

Talismans are accessories in Elden Ring that grant special effects to the player. Legendary Talismans are the rarest and most powerful of these talismans. They can provide significant bonuses to combat stats, health, and other attributes. Some of the most notable Legendary Talismans include the Godfrey Icon, which increases charged attacks, and the Marika's Soreseal, which boosts stats at the cost of increased damage taken.

Millicent's Prosthesis: A Unique Dexterity-Boosting Talisman

Millicent's Prosthesis is a standout Talisman for Dexterity builds. It grants a flat +5 Dexterity bonus and also increases attack power with successive attacks. This makes it an excellent choice for players who rely on fast, consecutive strikes to deal damage. Millicent's Prosthesis can be obtained by completing Millicent's questline, which involves finding her in various locations throughout the game.

Complete List of Talismans: Effects, Locations, and Best Choices

Below is a comprehensive list of all Talismans in Elden Ring, along with their effects, locations, and a selection of the best Talismans for different playstyles:

  • Health Talismans: Increase maximum health or provide health regeneration
  • Stamina Talismans: Increase maximum stamina or reduce stamina consumption
  • Combat Talismans: Enhance attack power, critical hit chance, or other combat-related stats
  • Resistance Talismans: Provide resistance to specific damage types
  • Utility Talismans: Offer various benefits, such as increased item discovery or reduced fall damage

Best Talismans for Different Builds:

  • Melee builds: Godfrey Icon, Marika's Soreseal, Radagon's Soreseal
  • Ranged builds: Magic Scorpion Charm, Godfrey Icon, Marika's Soreseal
  • Dexterity builds: Millicent's Prosthesis, Godfrey Icon, Magic Scorpion Charm
  • Intelligence builds: Godfrey Icon, Marika's Soreseal, Radagon's Soreseal
  • Faith builds: Godfrey Icon, Marika's Soreseal, Radagon's Soreseal
